“The Greenbuild Legacy Project is an initiative that leaves a lasting impact on the host city of each Greenbuild International Conference & Expo”. This year, Greenbuild will be held September 26-29 in Washington, DC – right in SDC’s backyard. The Legacy Project Subcommittee of the 2023 Greenbuild Host Committee is chaired by SDC’s own Christopher Davis. Learn more about the entire Host Committee, which “comprises a diverse group of individuals who are committed to creating a more sustainable and resilient future. Now announced, the selected 2023 Greenbuild Legacy Project is Gensler’s Roots to Success initiative at Kelly Miller Middle School. The school is “an institution with a rich cultural history and legacy”, it “serves a diverse population of students, many of whom come from families with limited resources,” and “is also situated in a food desert, where access to fresh, healthy food is limited”. Roots to Success tackles these issues with improvements to two of the school’s existing spaces: 1) enhancing the on-site student urban farm with raised garden beds, a shed, and an outdoor pergola with seating, as well as 2) refreshing the cafeteria with new composting and recycling facilities, integrated food sustainability education, and a mural painted by local artists. Join SDC in supporting this impactful community effort by making a contribution to the 2023 Greenbuild Legacy Project.