YEAR 8, 2009-2010: For the first time, USGBC National Capital Region (NCR) Chapter recognized SDC as Firm of the Year! In the 2010 Awards for Excellence featured at its annual Midsummer Night’s Green event, NCR Chapter honored SDC as Designer/Consulting Firm of the Year “for their work in developing USGBC and AIA education, and for their extensive internal green policies and advanced employee professional development.” SDC’s entire Washington, DC office attended the event to accept the award together! Within that same program, four of SDC’s DC-area projects won awards as well. Over the years, the firm has supported NCR Chapter with Board member, committee, and volunteer participation, along with annual sponsorships, and has received an additional firm leadership award and numerous project awards. A Midsummer Night’s Green 2022 is upcoming in two weeks and SDC will be there with bells on once again!