We affirm the importance of sustainable practice within our own offices. The SDC Sustainability Plan is intended to guide operations in order to meet our goals.
For maximum benefit, sustainable design awareness must be fully integrated into every building design aspect and at every project phase. Treating the green building discussion as an “extra,” adds expense and reduces effectiveness.
We work toward the highest standards of professionalism, integrity and straight forward honesty. We do our best, most cost-effective work when our clients join us in meeting these expectations.
We seek to improve conventional building culture for everyone’s benefit. We bring this passion into all our activities.
Sustainable design is not, by itself, magic! Indeed, it takes the kind of diligent, informed, thoughtful work in which we take pride.
Sustainable design is not a separate discipline! All project disciplines are involved in and responsible for sustainable design project success.
We give priority to clients who work closely with us, and to those who are ready to appreciate the many benefits of greener buildings.